A Case Study in Making a Journal More Relevant

There are many jobs to juggle as an editor running a successful journal – everything from soliciting articles, building a strong board, and navigating publishing ethics. This month we’re highlighting the various components of running a journal, with an eye on providing tips and advice. In the ever-changing world of science and research it’s important to pay attention to the relevancy of your journal. Bo Söderström, editor-in-chief of Ambio published an update to readers on steps taken to elevate Ambio’s relevancy. Utilizing the excerpt from Steps toward making a journal more relevant, see what points you may be able to apply to … Read more…

Building Your Peer Reviewer Target List

There are many jobs to juggle as an editor running a successful journal – everything from soliciting articles, building a strong board, and navigating publishing ethics. This month we’re highlighting the various components of running a journal, with an eye on providing tips and advice. Read all available posts in the series here. Finding quality peer reviewers is an essential task of managing a successful journal. Ideally, over time, you will create a pool of reviewers that you can rely on time and time again for thorough and accurate reviews. Building that resource can seem like a daunting task to … Read more…

Marketing Your Journal 101

There are many jobs to juggle as an editor running a successful journal – everything from soliciting articles, building a strong board, and navigating publishing ethics. This month we’re highlighting the various components of running a journal, with an eye on providing tips and advice. Marketing your journal may seem like a step you can save for your publisher, but having a clear marketing and promotion plan can help make the rest of the work of running your journal easier. Read on below for highlights on how to best market your journal. Then find more information on how we promote … Read more…

The Story Behind Springer Nature Experiments

We asked Robin Padilla, the Product Director of Springer Nature Experiments to share the story behind this new and exciting product at Springer Nature. This one-stop platform combines portfolios across all of our research publishers to make searching for experiments across the life sciences easy and effective. Read on below for more details 1) What is Springer Nature Experiments? Springer Nature Experiments is a research solution allowing researchers to quickly find and evaluate protocols and methods in the life sciences. This platform covers the content from the entire Springer Nature Protocols and Methods portfolio, namely: Nature Protocols, Nature Methods, Springer … Read more…

Researching the Use of ORCID

Do you have a common name that makes it difficult for others to pinpoint which research is yours? You’ve probably heard about ORCID, the not-for-profit organization that established the ORCID identifier. With an ORCID ID, it’s easy to ensure that your work is always properly recognized. At Springer Nature we ran an ORCID mandate trial with much success, which mandated that authors use ORCID IDs when publishing in 46 journals across our portfolio. We’ve decided to keep those requirements, and plan to further expand the requirement.  Learn more about the background of ORCID in this excerpt from Tracking researchers and … Read more…

Researching February’s News with SharedIt

Interested in learning more about the facts behind the stories you read from the media? Each month we’re pulling some of the major headlines from the news, and pairing them with research articles related to the topic. With the power of SharedIt, you’ll be able to read full journal articles and share them with others! The drought in Cape Town, South Africa has worsened, resulting in a limit of 50 liters per day of water. Learn more about the phenomenon in the region in Dimensions of drought: South African case studies from GeoJournal. Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX, launched the most … Read more…

Sharing Your Research With Your Social Network

When your research is published and ready for sharing, tackling the best way to share it on social media may seem daunting. If you only frequent social media for personal use, you may feel uncomfortable putting your work out there for all to see. If you’re already using social media to highlight your research, you may worry about crossing the line into being too overly promotional and intrusive. We’ve compiled this simple plan to get you started with sharing your research on social media. A few key pointers to keep in mind: Your journal article’s SharedIt link makes it possible … Read more…

Researching January’s News with SharedIt

Interested in learning more about the facts behind the stories you read from the media? Each month we’re pulling some of the major headlines from the news, and pairing them with research articles related to the topic. With the power of SharedIt, you’ll be able to read full journal articles and share them with others! Disagreements on DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) led to a government shutdown in the United States this month. Learn more about the effects of DACA in Schooling and labor market effects of temporary authorization: evidence from DACA from the Journal of Population Economics. This month … Read more…

The Top Books Published in 2017

A quick search for English-language Springer Nature books on Bookmetrix for the year 2017 yields over 7,000 titles. Some were published in early 2017, others not until December. Regardless, they made a big impact in 2017! We track download numbers on SpringerLink, citations are sourced from CrossRef.org and online mentions are provided by Altmetric.com. A whopping 47.5% of these books have had one or more online mentions (up from 42% in 2016), varying between news articles, tweets, blogs and other posts. 33% have had even three or more mentions! The average number of mentions per book increased to 6 in … Read more…

2017’s Source Highlights

Thank you for being a reader in 2017! As we embark on a new year we’re excited to bring more engaging content and a fresh look that represents our Springer Nature family of brands. Before we kick off the new year, we’re sharing the must-read posts of the year based on our readers that you should be sure to check out if you’ve missed them. The most read post this year was Researching September’s News With SharedIt, featuring a round-up of the month’s top headlines paired with research articles that provide more information on the topic. Thanks to SharedIt all … Read more…