Interested in learning more about the facts behind the stories you read from the media? Each month we’re pulling some of the major headlines from the news, and pairing them with research articles related to the topic. With the power of SharedIt, you’ll be able to read full journal articles and share them with others!
The drought in Cape Town, South Africa has worsened, resulting in a limit of 50 liters per day of water.
- Learn more about the phenomenon in the region in Dimensions of drought: South African case studies from GeoJournal.
Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX, launched the most powerful rocket into space, making Musk’s goal of commercial space travel seem more and more like a reality to come
- Learn more about the future of this endeavor in Commercial space travel: security and other implications from the Journal of Transportation Security.
The flu epidemic continued to wreak havoc this month, continuing its extremely severe and widespread impact across the United States this year.
- Read more about influenza epidemics in Monitoring seasonal influenza epidemics by using internet search data with an ensemble penalized regression model from Scientific Reports
The Winter Olympics commenced this month in Pyeongchang, ending in a record-breaking win for Norway, winning the most medals in a single Winter Olympics.
- Looking back at the Sochi Winter Olympics games, learn more about ranking in Ranking Countries by Medal Priorities Won in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics form the Annals of Data Science.
A tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida has ignited a push for broad changes in US gun control laws.
- How does the media affect policy and areas for future research when school shootings occur? Learn more in A Cross-National Assessment of Media Reactions and Blame Finding of Student Perpetrated School Shootings from the American Journal of Criminal Justice.
Featured image: Newsstand by Nicholas Boos. CC 2.0 via Flickr.