How to establish yourself as an expert in your field

Would you consider yourself an expert in your field? If not, these tips might come in handy to assert and establish yourself as a thought leader. As a researcher it is possible to feel drowned in data and to downplay your expertise in your field. As is the case in any field, communicating and engaging with your own work is key to eventually geting established as an expert. Here we put together a few tips that can help you make a name for yourself in your respective field. 1. Network at conferences From the time it’s announced until its end, … Read more…

5 Tips to use LinkedIn in promoting your research

The Source has launched a new series which details how authors can better promote their work (and themselves!). As part of this series, we will be featuring tips and tricks to author self-promotion and advancing discovery of their work. Today we look at one of the most prominent professional networking sites, LinkedIn.  Are you under the impression that LinkedIn is all about making business to business connections? That it’s a gold mine for job seekers and head hunters, but a platform that isn’t quite relevant to you as a cholar? Think again! Since its beginning in 2002, LinkedIn has become a valuable … Read more…