5 author benefits from Springer Nature’s pilot with ResearchGate

Springer Nature is the first major publisher to reach an agreement with ResearchGate to provide greater access to their users, pioneering innovative access models for scientific content in the rapidly evolving research ecosystem. Read the full press release and learn more below about how this partnership benefits authors and how it’s helping the academic community advance discovery.

1. Full-text of select Nature articles published since November 2017 are automatically available via ResearchGate profiles during the pilot period. Springer Nature will upload all the necessary content, meaning that authors will not have to do anything to make their work available.

2. Select Nature Research can be seamlessly accessed to read and download both on and off campus, allowing for ease of access to an author’s research no matter where researchers are working from.

3. In a world that’s producing an ever increasing amount of research, authors get increased visibility for more of their work on ResearchGate’s 15 million strong network, which is the most visited site for science with over 150 million monthly visits.

4. Sharing their content on this unique network provides authors with more opportunities for direct peer-to-peer communication and collaboration and allows them to measure their research impact across platforms.

5. This pilot is an authentic way to gather the scientific communities’ feedback in an effort to find a new industry standard for seamless access models to help to continue opening up research in the future, for both authors’ and researchers’ benefit.

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